Terminus Demo

Terminus was a game we created a long time ago..... in a galaxy far far away... Well it was the 2000s and it was created in Aboe Flash, so a long time ago. We were between projects so some of the team created this shooter demo. Mark created some amazing graphics for it and it...

App Marketing Tips from Amazon

You have just finished your latest game or mobile app and you think it is going to be the next big thing! BUT how is anybody going to find your app. Hundred of apps are released each day and look at the size of your phone screen – how many apps do you scroll though…....

Major Shootout

Fierce Fun recently developed a game for the online sports portal Pundit Arena. Pundit Arena has created one of Europe's fastest growing sports publishing platforms that allows the mass creation of quality content across all sports throughout the world. They required an Irish sports themed game that would primarily work on mobile Web browsers. They...

World Cup Rugby Rampage

PLAY IT NOW!   World Cup Rugby Rampage is a new mobile and Web game currently under development by Fierce Fun. Being rugby fans and know that the team needs all the support it can get, we decided to develop a game in honour of the Irish team. Ok, so you can pick other teams...

Games for Marketers

Fierce Fun is presenting a talk at the National Sales and Marketing Summit which is being held on 30th May in RDS, Dublin. This conference focuses on the fundamental changes occurring between how buyers and sellers interact at both a consumer and business level. The Sales & Marketing Summit is collocated with Grow Your Business...

Game Development Funding in Ireland

Like many countries, funding your computer game development project is not an easy task in Ireland. Though there is now a very vibrant indie game development scene in Ireland as well as a few larger established companies, the industry is comparatively small compared to other Irish media sectors such as film, tv and animation. This...


In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect. This EU data protection law mean you now need to opt in to continue to receive our emails. Respecting your data is important to us and we would like to stay in contact about our mega mobile games, our special gaming offers...

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