Mobile App Tester/QA internship

Our development team is seeking a self-motivated individual with a strong work ethic and a significant attention to detail. This role involves coordinating and testing our mobile game apps on a variety of phone/tablet devices and operating systems. What You Will Be Doing – Test each new game build thoroughly and comprehensively – Report and...

Game Development Services

Fierce Fun offers comprehensive Web and mobile games development service for digital publisher and advertisers. In our games library, we have 4 different games types: - Rebranding Complete Games - Prototype Games - Custom Games - Premium Mobile GamesRebranding: Complete GamesA complete game is a finished game, normally in a Web format. Standard Rebranding:•    Name change•    Logo change•    Links...

How to make Dublin the start-up capital of Europe

Many of the components are already in place to make Dublin the start-up capital of Europe. We believe Dublin (and Ireland) has real identifiable strengths in software development, rather than hardware. Owing to their nature, software businesses require less resources to start and, in general, grow faster. With the right focus and structures, Dublin has...

WebGL: The Future of Interactive Web Animation

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a cross-platform, royalty-free web standard for a low-level 2D/3D graphics API based on OpenGL ES 2.0, exposed through the HTML5 Canvas element as Document Object Model interfaces. Ok, in plain English!. WebGL is a JavaScript library for displaying interactive 3D and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the...

Games Development & Publishing: Links We Like

Resource for Indie Game Developers HTML5 Game Development – JavaScript Libraries Free Online Games VC/Game Industry News and Information Make Games with Google Facebook Games Developer Center Irish Game Development - Adobe Gaming Flash Game License Tech Blog: RunTheProgram Gamasutra – The Art and...

Apple and Android App Development

So you are planning your next digital campaign for the Irish market. You’ve got all boxes ticked; SEO, PPC, banner ads, social media and blog posts. The problem is your competitor has also got those boxes ticked. If you need your campaign to be effective in the Irish market, you should consider a custom mobile...

The Future of Computer Gaming

Modern technology has taken amazing strides forward over the past few years, and this is just as true when it come to gaming technology. With 2015 fully upon us and a number of Gaming and Technology events having taken place throughout January, we here at Fierce Fun thought it would be a good idea to...

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