Orcs and Outlaws Website

Our new game Orcs and Outlaws (previously called Condition 24) now has it’s own website; http://www.condition24.blog/

We will be updated the site on a regular basis with development and features news. We are planning to release the first game demo over the summer so register on the site for our email newsletter and you will get the download link. Now back to my level design tasks!

Adobe Air

Before Unity, Fierce Fun used the Adobe Air platform extensively. It was a great piece of technology designed as a wrapper for Flash applications. It meant you could deploy Flash apps and games on PC and mobile devices – something Flash was never designed for. The original Macromedia Flash was developed as an animation tool for early Web browsers. Before Flash, the Web was a very static place. With the advent of the SWF format, Flash developers could quickly create and publish highly interactive animated content. It spawned a whole generation of Web animators and indie game developers. You could draw original vector art, animate it and add code – all within one tool. In our opinion, even with Flash's many flaws, nothing has come close to it since.

Then Apple came along with the iPhone which famously did not support Flash content. Steve Jobs was extremely critical of the Flash Player – though this had more to do with his ‘closed’ Apple economic ecosystem than any technical issues – a point that most observers missed. Also, Flash’s parent company Macromedia was bought by Adobe and they never quite understood what to do with Flash.

Adobe Air was developer as a cross platform software environment and it was used to package Flash content for PC and mobile devices. It meant that Web developers could finally design and develop content for both browser and PC/mobile platforms.

Over the years, Adobe reduced their support for Air. There were great add-ons such as the Starling library but gradually developers moved to more established development software such as Unity.

In 2019, Harman (a subsidiary of Samsung) took over the continued developed of the Air SDK. With an established backer, it looks like Air will continue to be an option for developers using the new version of Flash, Adobe Animate.

For anyone interested in using Air or Adobe Animate, we have released some of our Air developer documentation. Just to note - some of the older links may not work but you should find other sections useful.

Adobe Air


AIR_Actionscript Development

Adobe_ Game_Animation Tutorials

AIR Starling

AIR Mobile App Setup_

AIR - SWC Asset Library


Best practice for Cross-Platform Games – Facebook

We are truly in the era of cross-platform gaming. With the advent of mobile phones as gaming devices, playing games is not restricted to any place or time. Gaming has become THE ubiquitous entertainment activity – everyone (well almost) is a now a gamer.

Whereas before, game developer’s choice of platform was restricted to PC and consoles - now they must consider Web, mobile, VR and other dedicated devices. In addition, gamers tend to play the same title on many devices , depending on their location and environment. For many game developers and publishers, the only choice is to go cross-platform. Despite the extra development effort in doing this, it substancially increases the likelihood of reaching their target gaming audience.

Planning a cross-platform games project needs to start early. To ensure a smoother and consistent player experience across different platforms, we would recommend using the Facebook SDK for certain app features.

Facebook recommends the following:
- Handle notifications, requests and stories consistently
- Synchronize Game State across platforms
- Encourage people to play on other platforms

For more advice on your cross-platform game strategy, check out this Facebook post.

Cross platform games

The State of Computer Games – 2019

Fierce Fun game research

We recently came across an excellent piece of research from GlobalWebIndex on the current state of video gaming.  Some really interesting facts from this research include:


  • Gamers are getting older - a quarter of all 45-54s also say they have an interest in gaming.
  • Older players are more likely to be female - more females cite gaming as aninterest (19%) than males (17%) for 55-64s.


  • Not surprisingly smartphones are extending their lead as the most popular gaming device.
  • The East is where mobile gamers rule - .ore than 7 in 10 internet users inAPAC and the Middle East and Africa are gaming on their smartphone.


  • The decline is console game has stabilized. Consoles now serve as a household media hub, as well as a gaming device.
  • PC gaming is still very important - just under 1 in 2 internet users are gaming via PCs/laptops

Spectator Gaming

  • Spectator gaming continues to grow - with over a third having watched a live gaming stream in the past month, and over a quarter having watched an esports tournament.
  • A quarter of console gamers visited Twitch in the past month


  • VR is still only for early adopters. Of those who play games on any other device, only 5% own a virtual reality headset