Distance Zing

Distance Zing

Like everyone else, we have been practicing social distancing for what seems like an eternity. Guess what we found out… its not very social. While most people get it, a good few just carry on as if nothing has changed. Walking or running right beside you as if somehow, they are immune to the virus. So, we decided to create a little game to remind everyone to social distance at all times when you are out.

To succeed in the game, you must maintain a 2 meter from everyone in a busy city, while collect the rarest of the rare paper…. you will see it when you play the game. So you have to avoid groovy grannies, wrecked wrestlers, mega mice and runners …. lots and lots of runners.

Distance Zing allows you to practice your digital distance skills in the virtual world so you can be a 2-meter zinger in the real world

Enjoy it, stay safe and keep your distance !


Posted in Distance Zing, Fierce Fun, Free Games, Games Ireland and tagged , , , , , .